That was a load off the shoulders! Can you feel the bitterness? Hehe Don’t worry, made peace with it! Am good now. We came to the conclusion that English in Japan was more of an IQ gager for the university entrance exam system rather than an attempt to make young students able to communicate in the global language. That along with the hordes of enablers that didn’t have the ability nor will to see what was plain as day, right in front of their faces. Over the years would chat with my fellow rotating JET coworkers wondering how it all came to be. 1Īfter 20 years in a high school and four years at a uni witnessing a completely dysfunctional English education system, one that is not geared in any real way to practical real life communication skills nor proficiency.

Am looking forward to watching the spectacle. Everything has changed from the day you start using it and understanding the implications and consequences. Total game over within say 3 years, and that's being conservative. The decent teachers will jump straight on it and be able to use it well, while those that lag behind and fight it will become irrelevant. The kids will pick it up before the ministries can even start to understand what's going on so it will be a ground-up revolution. All of them idiot JTEs out of a job, the ministry of education will do its best to ignore the issue and even protect these listless educators but they will fall behind so rapidly the writing will be on the wall sooner rather than later. An entire system that never made the grade nor became productive, into the dustbin of history. All those empty years of schooling for so little return. The English industrial CONplex in Japan has its end day finally in sight, and it will be good riddance too.