If you're feeling lost today knowing that such an iconic monument has burned, you could do worse than booting up Assassin's Creed: Unity. "I want the player to feel tiny when scaling it," Miousse stated. The size seems to have been a welcomed challenge that she reveled in. That means that Miousse was almost literally putting the cathedral together brick by brick. Seeing that the Notre Dame was prioritized in the development of Unity, a main goal was to recreate it 1:1 to stay as true as possible. The goal was to make this as close to a perfect recreation as possible, and that took time and effort. The end result was stunning: the giant cathedral sits in the centre of the city, replete with sculpture, stained glass, architectural detail and more. Senior level designer Caroline Miousse spent a full two years making Unity's version of Notre Dame, obsessing over every brick and working with a historian to make sure that the structure in the game was both as accurate a recreation as physically possible and something that modern players would be able to recognize. Ubisoft will be giving away Assassin's Creed Unity for free for one week, and all you need to do is go to Uplay and download it. Still, as a French company headquartered outside of Paris, Ubisoft has just announced that it will be donating €500,000 to the rebuilding efforts, as well as giving anyone with a capable enough PC the chance to virtually visit Notre Dame. The video game developer cautions that might not be such a great idea-the model of Notre Dame found in the video game is impressive, but a representative from the company makes clear that it is an artistic creation, not a scientific one. AS the conversation turned to rebuilding, there was speculation that people might be able to use the elaborate 3D model of the Cathedral from Assassin's Creed: Unity to assist with these efforts.
On Monday, a stunned world watched in person and over social media as the Notre Dame Cathedral burned, doing massive damage to the 800-year old monument and iconic Paris Landmark. Assassin's Creed Unity Credit: Joe Parlock